Touch® Custom Pricing Tiers
Tier 1
$ 2750
/ per monthBased on 30 hours per month.
- Daily website backups
- General tech support
- General content updates
- GoDaddy domain support
- Google analytics reporting
- HubSpot chatbot support
- HubSpot email marketing
- Marketing graphics
- Product updates
- Wordpress plugin updates
- Wordpress theme updates
- Wordpress version updates
- Website hosting management
- WooCommerce coupon support
- Affiliate program support
- App developer support, iOS/Play
- HubSpot custom contact segments
- Home Slider updates
- HubSpot customer service support
- HubSpot form support
- HubSpot reporting
- HubSpot workflows, automation
- Yoast SEO, content improvement
- WooCommerce advanced support
- Stripe advanced support
- Textiful marketing support
- Advanced marketing calendar
- Anytime 24/7 support
- Ecommerce performance reporting
- HubSpot social media
- Google page speed insights
- Google Pay-per-click
- Google reviews
- Google Search Console
- HubSpot training
Tier 2Recommended
$ 4250
/ per monthBased on 50 hours per month.
- Daily website backups
- General tech support
- General content updates
- GoDaddy domain support
- Google analytics reporting
- HubSpot chatbot support
- HubSpot email marketing
- Marketing graphics
- Product updates
- Wordpress plugin updates
- Wordpress theme updates
- Wordpress version updates
- Website hosting management
- WooCommerce coupon support
- Affiliate program support
- App developer support, iOS/Play
- HubSpot custom contact segments
- Home Slider updates
- HubSpot customer service support
- HubSpot form support
- HubSpot reporting
- HubSpot workflows, automation
- Yoast SEO, content improvement
- WooCommerce advanced support
- Stripe advanced support
- Textiful marketing support
- Advanced marketing calendar
- Anytime 24/7 support
- Ecommerce performance reporting
- HubSpot social media
- Google page speed insights
- Google Pay-per-click
- Google reviews
- Google Search Console
- HubSpot training
Tier 3
$ 5950
/ per monthBased on 80 hours per month.
- Daily website backups
- General tech support
- General content updates
- GoDaddy domain support
- Google analytics reporting
- HubSpot chatbot support
- HubSpot email marketing
- Marketing graphics
- Product updates
- Wordpress plugin updates
- Wordpress theme updates
- Wordpress version updates
- Website hosting management
- WooCommerce coupon support
- Affiliate program support
- App developer support, iOS/Play
- HubSpot custom contact segments
- Home Slider updates
- HubSpot customer service support
- HubSpot form support
- HubSpot reporting
- HubSpot workflows, automation
- Yoast SEO, content improvement
- WooCommerce advanced support
- Stripe advanced support
- Textiful marketing support
- Advanced marketing calendar
- Anytime 24/7 support
- Ecommerce performance reporting
- HubSpot social media
- Google page speed insights
- Google Pay-per-click
- Google reviews
- Google Search Console
- HubSpot training
This tier is composed of important tasks required to keep the Touch® website running right. While these tasks require different frequencies and levels of effort, they all occur at least once a month, if not daily or weekly.
Tier 2
High Performance and Function.
Combining tier 1 and 2 allows for a higher level of support that covers the creative and the functional. HubSpot is utilized to a higher level, WordPress runs better, and Google reporting helps in decision making.
Tier 3
Growth that Pays for Itself.
With all three tiers, you get the add-ons that help to plan for the future and stay ahead of opportunities. The marketing calendar and 24/7 support features will worth the investment as sales heat up and we don’t just rely on the flu season.
Tier 1 Definitions
(standard services)
Daily website backups
It’s important to ensure the website is backed up daily so that content updates, plugins, and other work is not lost due to an unforeseen outage. Although it is uncommon, complex sites can experience errors due to a multitude of components that are constantly updating. For this reason, daily backups are highly recommended for Ecommerce websites like Touch®.
App developer support, iOS/Play
The Apple iOS and Google Play apps are alive and functional but will need attention and maintenance in time. I will work with Cubix to stay on top of updates and functionality to help protect your investment.
HubSpot custom contact segments
HubSpot custom contact segments will provide useful insights into the Touch® customer base. We can divide customers up based on what they have already purchased or how active they have been on our site. We can review previous interactions with customer support and identify those that might buy more if given the right type of promotion.
Home Slider updates
On the homepage in the key position up front and center is the homepage slider. These graphics and photos are important advertisements to showcase the most important news and promotions for Touch®. For example the App advertisement required stock photography and Adobe photoshop work to get the proportions just right.
HubSpot customer service support
HubSpot customer service support covers chatbot issues and customer service tickets that may require changes to pricing, refunds, or researching isolated issues. As Touch® starts to sell more product, these customer issues will be important to stay on top of as much as possible. Burned customers turn into 1 star reviews and we want to protect our image as much as possible.
HubSpot form support
HubSpot form support covers the creation, maintenance, and distribution of forms for Touch® on the website and landing pages. We should be running different promotions and gathering different types of info on our customers other than just email. It would be helpful to know how people are using our products, what rates they use them, and the scents they prefer.
HubSpot reporting
There is a wealth of data that HubSpot reporting can provide. WordPress and WooCommerce alone have the data, but it is very hard to extract and display in a way that is understandable with Excel or Google Spreadsheets. Questions about usage, preference, and performance can be answer3ed with HubSpot reporting.
HubSpot workflows, automation
HubSpot workflows and automation covers a certain feature of HubSpot where you can take a customer down a certain journey over time without manual effort. Some examples would be a customer orders product, receives a follow-up email, and then a series of marketing emails spaced out by 3, 5, and then 7 days later meant to keep them engaged. We could request they submit a review to Google for a special discount, or offer them a complimentary new scent… the options are endless, but all customized to the individual, unlike a wide ranging email blasted that says the same thing to 6K people at once.
Yoast SEO, content improvement
Yoast SEO, content improvement covers the monitoring of page scores so that search engines like Google are seeing what they want and raising us higher in results. This combined with PPC and Google Search Console is important and translates directly into Ecommerce sales.
WooCommerce advanced support
At times it may be necessary (and already has a few times) to communicate directly with WooCommerce regarding advanced Ecommerce issues. WooCommerce advanced support will cover this to keep the storefront running correctly.
Stripe advanced support
Stripe advanced support covers issues with the payment gateway like security keys and web-hooks that Stripe and WooCommerce rely on to function properly.
Textiful marketing support
Textiful marketing support covers the text tool we would use to communicate with clients. This requires the up-to-date export of contacts from HubSpot and into Textiful, as well as coordination and trouble-shooting for distribution.
Tier 2 Definitions
(includes Tier 1)
Affiliate program support
The Touch® Affiliate program requires graphics, coupons, and scripts for affiliates to be successful at their jobs. I’ll work with Kristi to keep things running well and help create new ideas for promotions.
General tech support
General tech support covers simple maintenance, questions that may come up, and repair of issues related to the website function.
General content updates
The content of the website will need to be updated often. This includes changes to promotional banners, descriptions of products, or taking down sliders that have expired. This does not include the creation of complex graphics or advanced marketing tools.
GoDaddy domain support
Domain support covers monitoring and communicating with GoDaddy to maintain a healthy domain registration. This affects things like email, hosting, and site performance. If there is an interruption or access is lost, it can be time consuming to recover.
Google analytics reporting
Google analytics is active on the site and tracks the quantity of visitors and details about them. From this we can study what devices they used, what pages they visited, and get ideas about what else can be done to improve performance.
HubSpot chatbot support
The HubSpot chatbot intercepts a great deal of customer service traffic and inquiries about Touch. It’s important to keep this tool up to date and continue to monitor the types of conversations people have with it.
HubSpot email marketing
At least once per month, we should send an email to our active customer base in order to keep them engaged, offer promotions, and study the results. The results of emails can give suggestions about who is most interested in our products and learn from that information. Each email we have sent so far resulted in a spike in sales.
Marketing graphics
Custom images for text messages, social media banners, and email graphics are just some of the examples that have a huge impact on customer interest. It’s important to create new imagery that matches the Touch® brand and style. Showing customers the same images over and over can become boring and annoying.
Advanced product updates
Advanced product updates relates to Ecommerce information, SKUs, pricing, titles, promotions on an as-needed basis.
Wordpress plugin updates
Wordpress plugin updates covers the plugins that Touch® relies on to function properly. This would be WooCommerce, Stripe, and Google Analytics just to name a few. As of writing this Touch® uses 44 separate plugins. Updating these individually requires the backup of the website, as version conflicts can crash the site and it will need to be reverted immediately to remain up.
Wordpress theme updates
The Touch® website uses a theme called Salient created by Theme Nectar. This theme has updates often in order to remain current with WordPress and other changes in browser functionality. Updating the theme is a tricky process that requires a site backup and major updates require new plugins to be downloaded. The site has to be tested for errors and corrected. There were two major updates since the first version of the site was created in mid-2020.
Website hosting management
The Touch® website uses a web hosting called WP Engine. WP Engine is the top-choice for WordPress hosted websites and comes with many tools for creating test sites, backups, and sorting out performance related issues.
WooCommerce coupon support
WooCommerce coupon support covers the creation, maintenance, and support of coupons created for the Touch® website. Most coupons are very straightforward, but some are more complicated requiring special circumstances.
Tier 3 Definitions
(includes Tier 1 and 2)
Advanced marketing calendar
Touch® would benefit greatly from a coordinated and closely managed marketing calendar. This would cover a rotation of spotlighted products that covers scents, quantities and subscriptions. It would align with calendar holidays, news about Covid, and cover all kinds of features and benefits that make Touch® unique. Together we could adjust and react according to opportunities, but we should get a framework in place to lead efforts proactively.
Anytime 24/7 support
Currently I do my best answer email, text and phone calls quickly, but this would ensure that I can prioritize Touch® and any issues that may come up.
Ecommerce performance reporting
Ecommerce performance reporting would provide for an advanced level of feedback about scents, quantities, and customer behavior. This falls more into the category of business analysis and would be critical in helping to order new product correctly and plan for future needs.
HubSpot social media
HubSpot has a social media distribution tool in which we can spread our news and promotions quickly. We can schedule our posts to go out at the desired times, monitor results, and communicate with customers. This is an extension of both marketing and customer support that would be highly impactful for developing the brand.
Google page speed insights
Google has tools for measuring how long a website page takes to load. Using this tool can help to score the desktop and mobile version for Touch. This would enable us to find ways to speed up performance, causing customers to get access faster, and reduce friction to purchase.
Google Pay-per-click
Google PPC is very valuable for customer awareness when they search for products like ours. We can create and control ads, measure their performance, and adjust how much is spent. I would suggest spending modest amounts in the beginning to learn what works and then scale up from there.
Google reviews
Google reviews, as well as others like Yelp, should be proactively maintained to protect brand reputation.
Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a tool for monitoring search terms that lead customers to Touch. We want to rank as high as we can for terms like “hand sanitizer” and “germ block”. By monitoring and measuring this we can improve our search rank and get useful ideas about leading customers to our site.
HubSpot Training
HubSpot has an outstanding training archive of videos, downloads, and tests. I can help to guide your staff to useful portions of the HubSpot training program that would be highly impactful for Touch, Restor, and Pure. These topics would cover the customer funnel, inbound methodology, and how to nurture online leads into closed deals.